The purpose of Credit Recovery at New Bern High School is to provide remediation for students who have failed courses with a grade of 50-59, per CCS guidelines. Any failing grade under 50 will require a student to reseat for the course in the following semester.
If a student does not get a level 3, 4 or 5 on an EOC course, they must retake the course. They are not eligible for Credit Recovery for the course.
An after-school credit recovery period may be established for students who wish to recover additional credits. Students who agree to take Credit Recovery after school will be given the option of taking one or two courses.
The counselors will review all Credit Recovery referrals and determine placement.
Students taking credit recovery during the school day must attend class for the entire semester, even if they have completed the course and all teacher assignments.
If the student successfully completes the Credit Recovery course with a passing grade, credit for the course will be awarded. The Credit Recovery grade and the failing grade from a previous semester will be listed on the transcript.
Students who skip Credit Recovery classes or who exceed the county attendance policy may be exited from the program and may not receive credit.
The Principal retains the right to revise or make exceptions to Credit Recovery procedures.
Credit Recovery classes are also available during Evening School.