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Check-In Out Procedures

Check-In/Out Procedures

Student movement on and off campus is managed by the Front Desk.  A request to check-out does not automatically excuse an absence; in most cases further documentation is required.  Please see our Excused Absence page for more information.

School Check-In Procedures 

Students who are late to school must check in at the designated check-in kiosk at the Front Office; they will receive a printed pass to take to their teacher. Failing to check-in can result in a disciplinary referral for skipping school. Students who are late to class thoughout the school day will need follow established tardy procedures. All students have five minutes to get to class in-between each period. 

  • Tardiness is considered missing less than 10% of the class.

  • Teachers will document all tardies along with attendance. 

  • Tardies will be cumulative for each class.  The registration of tardies will start over at the beginning of each semester. 

See the Tardy Policy to review the enforcement of disciplinary action.

Check-Out Procedures

In order to leave campus during the school day, a student must check out at the Front Office. The following check-out procedures must be followed: 

  • Any person checking out a student must come to the Front Office to sign the student out.
  • All persons checking out a student are required to show ID.
  • All persons checking out a student MUST be listed on the student's Contact list in PowerSchool
  • No checkouts permitted after 2pm (or 30 minutes before dismissal). 
  • Parents wishing to check out their child who drives to school must send an email request to - over the phone checkouts are not permitted.
  • The student must come to the Front Office to check out.  
  • Only persons listed in the PowerSchool database (i.e. custodial parents/guardians, …) are allowed to check-out a student.  Check out requests made via email must come from the email address provided in PowerSchool and should be sent to: 

Parents may designate another person to check their child out (other than those listed in the database) ONLY if the parent does so in advance by using one of the following: bring written permission for the checkout in person or fax to 252-514-6412. Once the permission is received, it will be verified with the parent or guardian before a student is allowed to check-out. 

Students who leave without following check-out procedures and signing the check-out sheet will be disciplined for skipping on the first offense. There will be no warning action.