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CTE Student Organizations














  Mission & Purpose from the NCC-CTSO

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) enhance student learning through contextual instruction, leadership and personal development, applied learning and real world application. CTSOs work as an integral component of the classroom curriculum and instruction, building upon employability and career skills and concepts through the application and engagement of students in hands-on demonstrations and real life and/or work experiences through a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. CTSO’s help guide students in developing a career path, a program of study and provide opportunities in gaining the skills and abilities needed to be successful in those careers through CTSO activities, programs and competitive events. In addition, students have opportunities to hold leadership positions at the local, state, and national level and attend leadership development conferences to network with other students as well as business and industry partners.

Why should you join a CTSO program?  

These programs help students develop life-long skills such as developing teamwork, time management, interpersonal relationships, and setting and achieving goals. Each program fosters and develops leadership skills that allows students to gain confidence and acquire recognition through competition. These organizations align with the 16 Career Clusters and 79 Career Pathways recognized by CTE.

New Bern High CTSO Programs

DECA - , Advisor

DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is an association of marketing students that encourages the development of business and leadership skills through academic conferences and competitions.

FBLA - Mollie Westall, Advisor

FBLA is the high school division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions (FBLA Competitive Events), leadership development, and educational programs.

FCCLA - Stacy West, Advisor

FCCLA equips members with real world skills through Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education by preparing members for careers through its four Career Pathways: Human Services,  Education and Training, Hospitality and Tourism, and Visual Arts and Design.

FFA -  Katie Carter, Advisor                                                                  Jessica Nelson, Advisor                                   

FFA is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The letters “FFA” stand for Future Farmers of America. These letters are a part of a history and heritage that will never change.

HOSA - Beth Bell, Advisor

The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program. The organization is now called Future Health Professionals and was formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

NTHS - Chet Moore, Advisor

The National Technical Honor Society is the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. Member schools agree that NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today's highly competitive workplace.

SkillsUSA - , Advisors 

SkillsUSA prepares American's high performance workers. It provides quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills.